Our "Mommy Makeover" is a set of cosmetic procedures that help restore your pre-pregnancy body. Pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding cause physical changes that can affect how you feel about your body. Dr. Vagotis can help get you back into that pre-pregnancy body and those "skinny jeans" in no time! Our Mommy Makeover surgery is just what you need to take that step into feeling great about your body again!

Should You Opt For A Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is not only a path to a more youthful appearance. As we all know, being pregnant is wonderful but can cause some serious, unwanted body appearance changes.

A woman with red hair sitting on a pink background.
  • Your pregnancies have negatively affected your breasts,
    both in terms of size or shape
  • Your tummy is sagging, and you cannot reduce it with exercise and diet
  • You are distressed about the stretch marks
  • Exercise and diet cannot reduce the fat on your abdomen, thighs, arms, and waist
  • You have a lot of fat hanging over a surgical scar from a C-section
  • Your breasts are out of proportion because they became too large after childbirth, or they lost volume
  • Your breasts cause back pain because of their size

Many women are distressed over being unable to reduce the fat on their abdomen, thighs, arms, and waist. You have stretch marks, excess skin, and fat hanging over a surgical scar from a C-section scar and the effects of pregnancy. Are your breasts out of proportion because of the aftermath of pregnancy, or have the appearance of deflation and lost volume? Your breasts cause back pain because they can become too large after childbirth and leave you with uneven breasts.

The good news is that you don't have to go through these issues alone. Dr. Vagotis's body contouring procedures will give you a new appealing appearance. After the surgery, you can enjoy your life as before. You will look younger, healthier, and happier than ever.

What Does Mommy Makeover Include?

Our Mommy Makeover procedures include a combination of cosmetic surgeries designed for the individual patient:

Dr. Vagotis, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, can recommend breast procedures such as breast implants, breast reduction, or a lift for your best breast shape. Also, for a youthful body, liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), buttock lift, and/or thigh lift.

Are You a Good Candidate?

The components of a mommy makeover: The breasts and abdomen are the primary areas of change with motherhood; a mommy makeover will often center around a breast and abdomen procedure. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts will also enlarge, increasing as much as a full cup size or more. However, returning to 'normal' can mean a significant loss in breast volume and noticeable sagging. The abdominal muscles, skin, and tissues stretch throughout pregnancy to safely accommodate the growing baby.

Unfortunately, after childbirth, these layers may not bounce back to their taut, pre-baby shape. However, the criteria here are not too strict, so if you have realistic expectations and are in good general health you would be a good candidate.

The "Mommy Makeover" treatment plan is designed by you and Dr. Vagotis after your initial consultation. Is now the time to make that appointment and take your body back? Call (616) 285-6400 in the Grand Rapids area.

How To Prepare for the Procedure

You will be informed of the preoperative recommendations by Dr. Vagotis. In the case of a Mommy Makeover, there are special recommendations that you must follow to make sure that the body is ready to heal properly. Such recommendations include:

  • Exercise a minimum of thirty minutes every day
  • Minimize your alcohol consumption to less than two drinks weekly
  • Stop smoking for a minimum of 6 weeks before the surgery. Longer is better
  • Make sure that you have someone to take care of your children for at least two weeks, especially if they are babies or toddlers
  • Arrange for transport to your home
  • Avoid taking Aspirin
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory medications
  • Do not take homeopathic regimens or vitamins that are known to increase the bleeding


Considering that this is a combined surgeries procedures, you can enjoy the benefit of having to go through a single recovery period. The recovery period will depend on the procedure you and the doctor have chosen. Still, it is recommended not to lift anything for at least six weeks afterward.

There are many choices in breast surgery and body contouring, depending on body type. After your consultation with Dr. Vagotis, you will receive a personalized recommendation tailored to your cosmetic needs.

The cost will vary depending upon the procedure(s) chosen to achieve the desired result. The consultation also includes a cost analysis and available financing options.

If you are interested in a "Mommy Makeover," call us today at 616-285-6400 or fill out our form.


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