Welcome!  This page describes the body procedures that Dr. Vagotis provides for her clients.  To learn more about an operation, click the procedure title in blue.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure to remove excess body fat. It is usually performed using a thin tube-like instrument called a cannula inserted into the fat deposits. The fat is then suctioned or vacuumed out of the body. Liposuction is typically used to target specific areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and hips.


A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to flatten and contour the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening underlying muscles.  Excess skin and fat are then removed, and the underlying abdominal muscles are tightened to create a smoother, firmer abdominal wall.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to flatten and contour the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening underlying muscles.  Excess skin and fat are then removed, and the underlying abdominal muscles are tightened to create a smoother, firmer abdominal wall.


A Brazilian butt lift is a body contouring procedure involving fat transfer to the buttocks area. During the procedure, fat is typically taken from other body parts, such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs, and injected into the buttocks to give it a rounder, fuller appearance. The procedure is a safe and effective way to achieve a more contoured and shapely butt.

Body sculpting with tummy tuck before and after results.

A Mommy Makeover combines cosmetic procedures designed to help restore a womans body after pregnancy and childbirth. These procedures may include a breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and other body contouring procedures to help restore her pre-pregnancy figure.

A Mommy Makeover combines cosmetic procedures designed to help restore a womans body after pregnancy and childbirth. These procedures may include a breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and other body contouring procedures to help restore her pre-pregnancy figure.

Body sculpting with tummy tuck before and after results.

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce and reshape the upper arms. Excess fat and sagging skin are removed from the area, usually from the armpit to the elbow, to create a more toned and sculpted look. Recovery time varies but typically takes around 2-4 weeks.

Dr. vagotis

A Thigh Lift is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes and tightens the skin in the thighs. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat, which is then pulled tight to create a more toned, youthful appearance. A Thigh Lift may be performed using either local or general anesthesia.

A Thigh Lift is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes and tightens the skin in the thighs. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat, which is then pulled tight to create a more toned, youthful appearance. A Thigh Lift may be performed using either local or general anesthesia.

Dr. vagotis