Liposuction is a surgical procedure involving a suction technique to remove unwanted fat from specific body areas. It is also known as lipoplasty and has become increasingly popular, and many methods have been developed recently. Dr. Vagotis will explain and advise on which technique is best to achieve optimal results.

The procedure can be performed on almost any body area, including the thighs, stomach, and arms. However, Liposuction is generally used in stubborn fat regions that cannot be reduced through diet and exercise alone.

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure to remove excess areas of body fat. This body contouring procedure can slim and reshape specific body areas targeted for fat removal and enhance your self-confidence and self-image. If you are considering undergoing liposuction in Grand Rapids, Michigan houses our state-of-the-art facility; read on to find out if you would be a good candidate.

Liposuction surgery effectively targets fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise and allows for dramatic body contouring for both men and women. This surgery is sometimes performed with other procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or body lift. Men and women choose Liposuction to achieve various goals to create the desired body shape.

Liposuction is one of the most popular and safest cosmetic surgery procedures.

Liposuction targets fat deposits in the:
 Stomach
 Buttocks
 Hips
 Love handles
 Saddlebags
 Calves
 Ankles
 Breasts
 Chest
 Thighs
 Back
 Arms
 Neck
 Cheeks
 Chin

Dr. Vagotis uses State-of-the-Art VASER High Definition Liposuction! VASER Liposuction is a minimally invasive power-assisted liposuction technique that loosens fat cells and removes them from the body through a gentle suction process. VASER Liposuction is performed using a small, thin tube (a cannula) inserted through tiny incisions.

VASER Liposuction is an outpatient procedure, and the results are immediate. VASER Liposuction targets and removes stubborn pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise. If you are in good health and maintain a consistent weight, then it is time to make an appointment with Dr. Vagotis to discuss goals, options, risks, and the many benefits.

Dr. Vagotis - Liposuction
VASER High Def Liposuction Grand Rapids

Is Liposuction For You?
You need this procedure if:
 You want a sleeker, more defined contour in a specific area of your body

 Diets and regular exercise do not show any improvement in terms of fat removal
 You have disproportionate, localized areas with extra fat deposit
 You have localized fat deposits on the abdomen that are a result of heredity
Are You a Good Candidate?
If you are considering this option, there are several things you need to discuss with the doctor
before choosing the correct cosmetic procedure. Some people are not good candidates for Liposuction.

You are a good candidate if you:
 Do not smoke
 Are you at least within 30% of the ideal weight
 Have good skin tone
 Are realistic about skin excision (if necessary)
If you are planning to lose weight or gain some due to pregnancy or other reasons, you may want to reconsider doing this procedure. Also, people often mistake Liposuction for a technique used to remove cellulite.

Liposuction is not something that will get rid of your cellulite or tighten the loose skin. This problem is something you can achieve with proper diet and exercise.

Call us today for a free consultation to determine if you are a good candidate. Grand Rapids, Michigan, is an excellent place for those considering Liposuction due to our state-of-the-art surgical

A High BMI Is Not An Obstacle To Achieving Your Best Body Image Studies* claim that plastic surgery for overweight patients can be carried out as successfully as for non-obese patients. Complications, such as infection, scarring, and other aesthetic issues, are
similar. The effects of Liposuction on someone with a stable weight can be a safe procedure.

Dr. Vagotis does not use body mass index or body weight as the sole criterion in determining one's surgery fitness; she also performs a thorough virtual and in-person evaluation of every one of her patients. She then works with her patients to devise a treatment plan that considers each person's overall health goals and circumstances.

It allows Dr. Vagotis to address any potential medical issues and still provide excellent patient outcomes among individuals with a high BMI while maintaining the highest aesthetic standards.

So, if you have a BMI considered too high for surgery, don't press the panic button just yet. Instead, consider a consultation with Dr. Vagotis to discuss liposuction procedures and realistic outcomes of Liposuction.

How is Liposuction Performed?
The basic technique involves the removal of fat through a small incision and is performed on an outpatient basis. There are varying methods of Liposuction performed by cosmetic plastic surgeons. However, the procedure is generally done using a liposuction cannula (tubes), which are moved to suction the excess amounts of fat underneath the skin.

Dr. Vagotis will discuss the appropriate advanced liposuction technique during your
consultation. Call us today to arrange an appointment.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

Dr. Vagotis will ask you to have stable body weight and realistic expectations:

 Stop smoking before and after the surgery to facilitate healing.
 Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs in some cases.
 Avoid Aspirin and herbal medications known to cause increased blood flow.
 Hydrate a lot for a safe recovery after the surgery.
 Find someone to drive you home afterward.
In most cases, patients are released from the surgical facility after the surgery. Still, sometimes they are asked to stay overnight, especially in cases where the Liposuction is performed in conjunction with other procedures, larger volumes, and more invasive methods.

Why Choose Dr. Vagotis for your liposuction surgery?
Dr. Francine Vagotis is an expert in the field of Liposuction and top of her craft for surgical techniques as a cosmetic surgeon, and her practice is right here in the heart of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

So why not call today and set up your free phone or in-office consult? Dr. Vagotis
was voted one of the top doctors in the West Michigan area. She receives compliments for her relentless energy, work ethic, and expertise as a doctor. She is always ready to do whatever it takes for her patients, whether in the office or the operating room. She is approachable, compassionate, and has a sense of humor!


FAQ About Liposuction Grand Rapids

  1. What is Vaser Liposuction?
    • Vaser Liposuction is an advanced body contouring procedure that uses ultrasound technology to precisely target and remove stubborn fat deposits.
  2. Is Vaser Liposuction Available in Michigan?
    • Yes, Vaser Liposuction is available in Michigan, including in cities like Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids.
  3. What is High-Definition Liposuction (High Def Lipo)?
    • High-Definition Liposuction, also known as High Def Lipo, is a specialized technique that enhances muscle definition by removing fat around specific muscle groups, resulting in a more sculpted appearance.
  4. Where can I find Vaser Liposuction near me in Michigan?
    • Vaser Liposuction clinics are available throughout Michigan, including in Grand Rapids, Grand Ledge, and other areas. It's advisable to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon for personalized recommendations.
  5. What are the Benefits of Liposuction in Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, MI?
    • Liposuction in Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids can help contour your body, remove unwanted fat deposits, and enhance your overall appearance.
  6. Is Liposuction Suitable for Men?
    • Yes, liposuction is a popular procedure for both men and women. Male liposuction, including in Grand Rapids, can target specific areas of concern to achieve a more masculine physique.
  7. How do I find Liposuction near me in Michigan?
    • You can search online for reputable plastic surgery clinics offering liposuction in Michigan. Additionally, you can ask for recommendations from friends, family, or healthcare professionals.
  8. What is Laser Liposuction?
    • Laser Liposuction, also known as SmartLipo, is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells before removal, resulting in less trauma to surrounding tissues and potentially faster recovery times.
  9. What's the Difference Between Vaser Liposuction and Laser Liposuction?
    • Vaser Liposuction utilizes ultrasound technology to target and break down fat cells, while Laser Liposuction uses laser energy for the same purpose. Both techniques have their advantages, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences and goals.
  10. How Long is the Recovery Period After Liposuction?
    • Recovery times can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing factors. Typically, patients can expect some swelling and bruising for a few weeks post-surgery, with gradual improvement over several months. It's essential to follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions for optimal results.

Before and After Photos

Check out some photo examples taken before and after liposuction.

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drvagotis - Liposuction
drvagotis - Liposuction
liposuction Dr. Vagotis
Dr. vagotis
Dr. Vagotis - Liposuction
Dr. Vagotis - Liposuction
Dr. vagotis